Back to basics of food sovereignty


“Look at this one,” says Sr. Eugénio, placing his palm on a cassava plant as he looks over his family cassava ‘machamba’ (a cultivated field). “It looks very healthy — it’s taller than all the others,” he says, “and it beats all the obstacles thrown at it.” Sr. Eugénio is a farmer from the Curuca community close to Mount Namuli ... Read More

Preparing the bees to thrive in the honey season


On Mount Namuli, Legado's Flagship site, community members are working to create sustainable honey products as part of their thriving future. Over the years the bees have been frequent guests in Legado's stories...However, recently we haven't seen many bees on Namuli — where did they go? Just like other species, honey bees have an active season where they’re foraging flowers ... Read More

Garnering Government Support for the Community Conservation Area in Namuli


To kick off 2021 with a bang, we took  another big step forward as we continue to try to have Mount Namuli designated as a community conservation area. We drafted a letter to the government reflecting Mount Namuli’s national significance as a historical and cultural patrimony and a biodiversity hotspot, endowed with hydrological services and thriving agricultural production that supports ... Read More

Six months and counting of community activism for good health


During the past six months the community health activists have become an integral part of our work with the Namuli communities. Through lectures, home visits, and using the tools and resources provided by the District Health Authority, community activists educated their communities on how to stay safe and prevent the spread of COVID-19. Thriving futures are not just about the ... Read More

Announcing our newest partnership program, Legado: Mathews


Community meeting in the Namunyak Community Conservancy | Photo by Vivian Jebet, NRT Legado is pleased to announce our newest partnership, Legado: Mathews, working to create Thriving Futures with Samburu communities in the Mathews Mountain Range in Kenya. Legado: Mathews began in 2020 in collaboration with the Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT), and the Namunyak Community Conservancy Group, whose conservancies are ... Read More

Welcome to the Sweet Spot: Namuli’s Honey Processing Room


On the slopes of Namuli, our field team continues to work relentlessly with Namuli’s beekeepers to produce quality honey at a fair price. Following a first successful harvest in 2020, we strengthened a partnership with a local honey producer to guarantee a minimum price for the purchase of the honey produced on Namuli. Building on this momentum, we partnered with ... Read More

Namuli Beekeepers’ Vision of a Thriving Future


Since the very beginning, we have always believed in supporting people's visions and plans to spark and sustain change. Recently, we have been working with Namuli's beekeepers to create visions and goals for the future of their beehives. Through open conversations with beekeepers, we are mapping and illustrating current assets, future plans, and the resources they needed to achieve each ... Read More

Legado: A small word with lasting impact…

mburhardtLegacy, News

Did you know legado means legacy in Portuguese (one of the main languages in Mozambique) and in Spanish? Legado works to activate the power of legacy around the world so that people and the natural resources upon which they depend on can thrive together – now and into the future. The power of legacy starts when an individual, community, or ... Read More

Following Local Know-How to Create Thriving Futures


What’s one of the best ways to create a future for thriving people and thriving places? Restoring local plants and trees!  The Legado Namuli program supports thriving futures by identifying the right trees and shrubs that are best for the Namuli ecosystem and keep fires at bay. How do we do it? First, we turned to Namuli’s residents to help ... Read More

From (Sky Island) Farm to Table: The Tomato Value Chain


Tomatoes can travel a long way from farm to plate. And, whether you are a tomato farmer in the slopes of Mount Namuli or a frequent buyer of tomatoes at the grocery store somewhere in North America, you might not know just how far they travel to be a tasty treat. Over the past month, our team in Gurué organized ... Read More