The Way to Conservation is Paved by Honeycombs


Legado’s flagship program is on Mount Namuli in Mozmabique. With the communities encircling the mountain, we have been deploying the Legacy Model and refining the theory that individual legacy-building can spark collective change and action. Namuli’s honey initiative is a great example of legacy in action.

From April through August, the Legado Namuli team worked one-on-one with Namuli’s beekeepers to support them in reaching their goals for sustainable honey harvesting throughout the mountains’ forests and woodlands.  Individual meetings were held with Namuli’s beekeepers to lay a foundation of mutual understanding on the path towards a shared vision for sweet futures — ones that are abundant with honey, honeybees and beekeeping.  During these meetings, terms of reference were agreed upon to continue strengthening the relationship between the Legado Namuli project and the beekeepers of Mount Namuli, clarifying terms, roles and expectations among all project counterparts.

The terms of reference define the intent of the beekeepers to preserve Namuli’s forests and the trees surrounding their apiaries.  These agreements engage beekeepers in connecting with their peers to protect beehives against uncontrolled fires, support conservation objectives and solidify a mutual understanding of the interdependence between healthy hives, healthy forests and thriving futures.

By co-developing and signing the terms of reference, each beekeeper indicates a willingness and interest to compromise around terms of mutual benefit in an individual conservation agreement model.  The signing of the terms with local beekeepers demonstrates the potential for identifying areas that satisfy both conservation objectives and community needs and goals that build towards economic security in harmony with a thriving ecosystem. The participation and support for these agreements mark promise for future conservation activities that will realize a thriving future for both thriving people and thriving places.

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