

We Live Legacy

Building a legacy is a journey we take every day with ourselves and others.

We Connect Human-to-Human

We come together and connect as humans, first and always.

We See Everyone as a Leader

Action starts with self-leadership. Everyone has that capacity.

We cultivate a culture of integrity

We stand by and deliver on what we say through what we do. We communicate, adjust, and fix with openness and humility.

Transformation is Our Strategy

We are constantly learning and transforming our work to upgrade our impact in the world.

We commit to our JEDI journey

We ground ourselves in the tenets of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) and commit to advancing JEDI in our work and lives. Learn more about our commitment below.

Legado’s Justice, Equity, Diversity,
and Inclusion Statement of Intentions

We Believe

Legado is dedicated to developing, sustaining, and growing authentic, long-term partnerships with indigenous peoples and local communities who have deep relationships with places that are rich in biodiversity. We believe the path to improve the lives of people and preserve the world’s last wild places must account for this interdependency. We also believe it is critical for indigenous peoples and local communities, who live near, depend on, and steward wild places, to lead change.

However, our roots are in conservation, which has not always been on the right side of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Many protected areas have been created by marginalizing and excluding indigenous and local people. And too often, conservation initiatives have been approached as for local people or even offered to them, but not fully developed with them. That history cannot be unlived, but facing these difficult truths allows us to commit to doing our best work every day to turn the tide.

Our Commitment

We work with indigenous and local people to prioritize what their community and environment needs to thrive together now and into the future – an ultimate goal we call Thriving Futures.

To fulfill this vision, we align our thinking with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and ground ourselves in the tenets of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI). These principles are fundamental to our values and how we aim to work around the world. We commit to:

  • Advocating for a fundamental shift from local communities and indigenous peoples acting as receivers of solutions for their future to owners of and leaders in realizing those solutions.
  • Disclosing fully our own priorities as we meet communities where they are and where they want to be. We listen to communities before project strategies are developed and implemented to understand priorities and generate project ideas anchored in community needs, aspirations, and choice.
  • Developing and piloting an innovative model to work with community members, community-based organizations, and partners to envision Thriving Futures and provide technical assistance to build individual and collective capacity to plan, fund, and implement projects to achieve those futures. 
  • Applying the same principles to ourselves and our partner organizations. We envision a workplace where a diverse team of staff from all backgrounds feels respected, valued, heard, and able to fully reach their personal and professional vision and goals.

Our Actions Going Forward

We are both humble and bold in this endeavor. We are always open to learning and improving, we invite our community – collaborators, thought partners, and other organizations – to join us on this journey so that together we can better advance the principles of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Read Our Pact