
In 2018, after participating in Legado’s Thriving Futures program, Sr. Serrote who lives in Mucunha village near Mount Namuli, Mozambique declared that growing and planting trees was part of his personal legacy. When area communities came together and prioritized a forest restoration program in their action plan, Serrote stepped up to lead the community nursery that grew trees for this … Read More

Welcome, Ana!

Tara PetersonNews

Ana Lemos, Legado's newest Program Manager, is a political scientist by training, with experience in community conservation projects, including capacity building programs, project management, and partnership management. Born in Venezuela and raised in the United States, Ana has always been interested in studying people and their environment. In 2009, she received her BA from Florida International University in Political Science ... Read More

Welcome, Alaka: Legado’s New Board Member

Tara PetersonNews

Alaka Wali, PhD, is the curator of North American Anthropology in the Science and Education Division of the Field Museum in Chicago. And in January 2022, she became the newest member of Legado's Board of Directors. Professionally, Alaka was the founding director of the Center for Cultural Understanding and Change from 1995-2010. During that time, she pioneered the development of ... Read More

Reflections on the Legacy Expedition

Tara PetersonNews

In November 2021, Charlie Harrison joined the Legado team in Kenya for ten days of connection, creativity and adventure on our most recent Legacy Expedition. Alongside other friends of Legado, Charlie helped to host our signature three-day Legacy Workshop with leaders from the Samburu communities. During my time in Wamba, Kenya with the Legado team, I witnessed Legado embarking on ... Read More

Welcome Matt!

Tara PetersonNews

Matt attended University of Wisconsin-Madison for both his undergraduate degrees in conservation biology, Latin American/Caribbean/Iberian Studies, and Spanish and his Master’s degree in environmental conservation with the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. His environmental conservation capstone project allowed him to work with the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission where his project focused on identifying the needs of different ... Read More