Legado Q3 Report 2022

july - September 2022

q3 highlights

  • In Q3, we made significant strides in our work in partnership with Indigenous and local communities to ensure they have the tools, resources, and partnerships they need to design and implement solutions of their choosing that benefit both their communities and landscapes—an outcome we call Thriving Futures.
  • In Kenya, Legado and Northern Rangelands Trust accelerated their work co-designing a hybrid Conservancy Management and Community Legacy Plan process which will be the cornerstone to integrating the Thriving Futures model in their conservancies.
  • Also in Kenya, our partner communities in Ngilai moved into action on their priorities in the accompaniment phase of our model.
  • Recent in-depth interviews with long-time Legado program participants on Mount Namuli in Mozambique are informing the impact of legacy visions and goals on individual and collective action throughout our programming.

legado:Nkishon Supat e Ngilai

Nkishon Supat e Ngilai, which translates from Samburu to “Ngilai's Thriving Future,” is a project created in collaboration between the Ngilai Community, Northern Rangelands Trust and Legado. This collaboration began in 2021, and is now moving toward implementation of Ngilai’s Legacy Plan based on their legacies and their vision for a thriving future.

  • Implementing Priorities: One of Ngliai’s key goals is to “Increase access to health care while respecting Samburu medicine.” To achieve that goal, their first priority is to construct and maintain a maternity shelter adjacent to the Lolkuniyani clinic in Ngilai for birthing mothers to use during their last stage of pregnancy. A key step in the implementation of this priority was a learning exchange at nearby Sereolipi village to learn from their experience with a maternity shelter. Further, the community team hosted a focus group discussion with mothers and women in the Lolkuniyani area to hear additional ideas, plans and commitments from the larger community around the shelter.

A learning and experience exchange was also held in September to plan for the installation of a solar power system at the maternity ward in the Ngilai clinic to enable use of critical equipment--another priority the community identified in their Legacy Plan. Community members deliberated on the benefits they expect to gain with the installation of the solar power system, how to organize for implementation, the costs of installation, and the sustainability of the system. In Q4, the community will also move forward on their priority of riverbed restoration to improve ecological services.

Community elder and community health volunteers at Ngilai clinic discussing the installation of a solar power system. (Photo: Legado).

Women from the Lolkuniyani community explain their drawing of the maternity shelter they would like to see during a focus group discussion. (Photo: Legado).



After successfully launching our Thriving Futures program with Ngilai communities, Legado continued collaborating with the Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT) to bring this approach to three additional community conservancies over the next three years while incorporating a Thriving Futures approach into NRT programming.

Legado and NRT continue to co-create a strategy integrating the Thriving Futures approach with NRT's organization and programs. Together, we have designed a hybrid Conservancy Management and Community Legacy Plan that will build on NRT's past planning successes while also ensuring inclusive, community-led initiatives are integrated into conservancy management going forward.

I would like Lolkuniyani Clinic to be able to deliver quality health services to reduce maternal deaths, by providing best quality care to women during delivery.
Roseline Lolorua, Nurse at the dispensary & Ngilai community member


In Q3, we built on the success of our land titling and ongoing work in agriculture supported by our partner Nitidae. Communities continued to organize toward creating their first Legacy Plan under Legado's Thriving Futures methodology. This plan will be essential as communities continue to advocate for Mount Namuli to become a Community Conservation Area (CCA).

  • Community Legacy Plans: The Namuli communities are working towards establishing Namuli’s CCA in the near future. As a step towards that, in Q3, our team worked directly with each Namuli community to garner support for and co-create a plan for the village-level convenings to create eight Community Legacy Plans, which will then inform the governing document of the CCA.
  • Mozambicans in the Lead: In order to augment our Thriving Futures work both on Mount Namuli and beyond in Mozambique, we've grown our Mozambican team with the key hire of Kassia Sundi Macassa as Program Coordinator/ Deputy Program Lead.
    • Understanding Legacy: One of the tenets of our work is to ensure that all community members involved with Legado:Namuli have articulated personal legacies and goals they will work towards for the benefit of their families, their communities and the places they call home. We know that personal legacies fuel community legacies and action and, in Q3, we conducted 30 interviews with individuals who have been the most involved in our program to further understand the impact of legacy on individual agency, leadership and collective action.

      Kassia Macassa and Gálio Zecas prepare to conduct interviews with community members from Mount Namuli about the impact of legacy (Photo: Filipa Oitavén/Legado)


      A group of women connect to speak about their experiences and progress with their legacies, vision and goals (Photo: Kassia Macassa/Legado)


      Dona Ramussa Chicopera, a Namuli community member, holds a sign with her legacy to pursue beekeeping to support her family. (Photo: Roshni Lodhia/Legado)


      I became motivated because [in my legacy vision] I saw a future realized, and I went after it."

      - Sr. Serrote Volowa, Namuli Community Member

      looking ahead

      • Ngilai community members are preparing a Legacy celebration to share and commemorate the milestone of completing their first Legacy Plan. They are also using the Thriving Futures process to draft community proposals, strengthen regional collaborations and partnerships and pursue funding to achieve their priorities.
      • In Q4, our legacy work on Namuli accelerated with a series of two-day legacy convenings in four key communities to generate foundational Legacy Plans.
      • We continue to work with our partners to launch our first partnership in the Peruvian Amazon and our second conservancy partnership with NRT in Kenya in Q4 of 2022.

      Welcome to the team

      • David Kitt - Community Solutions and Impact Director (interim), Kigali, Rwanda
      • Kassia Macassa - Assistant Coordinator/Deputy Program Lead, Mount Namuli, Mozambique
      • Dr. Juliet King - Kenya Partnerships Advisor, Nanuki, Kenya

      networking updates

      We're increasing Legado's visibility to ensure that our work to support  Indigenous and local communities in building their Thriving Futures continues and grows.

      • In August, Legado released a Lomwe version (the native language of the Lomwe people living on Mount Namuli) of our film, Legacy. This film also has Portuguese subtitles and will be the version shared throughout Mozambique in Q4. View it here.

      • Legado team members (Majka Burhardt, Filipa Oitaven) gave presentations on Legado’s work inside of a mentorship program for the Girl Move Academy.

      • Thriving Futures Director, Dr. Tita Alvira, and Program Manager, Ana Lemos, gave an in-person presentation at the Chicago Field Museum on Legado as well as remote guest lectures at the University of Florida and Florida International University on Legado's approach and methodologies.


      Interested in seeing our work in Kenya in person?

      Join our Legacy Expedition on October 29-November 7, 2022. Visit our website for more information. You can also get the latest from Legado by signing up for updates, and following us on Facebook and LinkedIn.

      Want to go deeper into Legado’s work? Know a funder or potential partner who might be interested?

      Feel free to contact EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Majka Burhardt at 970-290-7822 OR majka@legadoinitiative.org.